2 definitions by D-Tox

noun-- the sliding, backhand motion a woman makes as she sweeps a hand across her waist to prevent a male from inserting his hand into her panties; akin to the movement of a hockey goalie making a sweeping, stick or blocker save using a similar motion.

Also may be used as a verb, e.g., to koho kibosh.
Q: (pointing to Peggy Sue in the school cafeteria) Did you hit that shit?

A: Fuck no. I thought I was in there, but then the slippery bitch gave me the koho kibosh.
by D-Tox May 1, 2004
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adjective; performed with panache; undertaken in a manner of coolness and suavity.
Fuck me, did you see that move by Jordan? That shit was positively devinesque!
by D-Tox May 1, 2004
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