12 definitions by Cumdog with mustard

An amazing place for everyone (except the Rottweilers from twitter) including musicians, authors, weebs, gamers, and youtubers
visit r/winstupidprizes r/metalmemes r/wholesome r/askreddit r/anime r/burzum r/whatcouldgowrong
I love reddit because of r/winstupidprizes
by Cumdog with mustard April 28, 2021
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An awful place run by the cancel cult (aka cancel vultures) who cancel people for 10 year old tweets (even though people change) just to cure their boredom
I will never use twitter because I do not want to be a cancel vulture and do not want to participate in cancel culture
by Cumdog with mustard April 28, 2021
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A narcissist Neo-Nazi known for her gestapo of simps, making fun of cancer patients, claiming "all Jews need to be gassed", claiming she is "so gorgeous and beautiful", and when asked why she did/said anything she did, she replies with, "I was just being famous"
me: watching Playmate Tessi's interview on Dr, Phil made me lose most of my braincells
Simps: Don't talk bad about her you fiend!
by Cumdog with mustard April 27, 2021
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uTorrent (aka µTorrent), is a torrent client that infects your computer with adware upon installation.
I got a virus from uTorrent even though it used to be safe
by Cumdog with mustard April 27, 2021
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One who is very cultured and obsesses over amazing anime such as Itadaki Seieki, Overflow, 177013, 339912, etc.
by Cumdog with mustard May 3, 2021
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Hayase Nagatoro AKA Satan

main character in popular 2021 anime "Don't toy with me miss Nagatoro"
Nagatoro is best girl
by Cumdog with mustard May 3, 2021
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