8 definitions by Cooper is wierd

a place where lachlans gets a salad and still classifies it as fast food

most people get fat there even though their stupid ice cream machine doesnt work eh they make it with rotten goat milk anyways
look what it did to daniel in sixth period
by Cooper is wierd April 17, 2019
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a nice octopus that likes rap music and raping his mom his daddy is his brother and he whacks his twinkie at peytons thwong
bing bong london ooohhh 69?
by Cooper is wierd April 16, 2019
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a fake stupid day that mr hinson aka BIG boi makes up it is really gay and only logan celebrates it some grass isnt even green YEAH its racist green!? why not black oh think about that next time you do wednsday words of wisdom
its not national green grass day you faggot
by Cooper is wierd April 17, 2019
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an obese midget that likes elenas coochie but only eats his dogs ass in his bed he nuts only when his mom reads him a bed time story
Danielyou big goober
by Cooper is wierd April 16, 2019
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A chunky orange that likes walls he is sad because china has a bigger wall he is going to whack his thwong on bing bong (kim jon un)
trumpty dumpty built a big wall trumpty dumpty blocked the mexicans all
by Cooper is wierd April 17, 2019
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rick is thicc i like to lick his stick and ricks mom is pat she is super fat
rick by: lakelan your mommy is jiggles
by Cooper is wierd April 29, 2019
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A big ass biscuit that looks like your girlfriend. One touch of this biscuit will make you skeet your pants
Thats y u built like a Boberry biscuit
by Cooper is wierd December 10, 2019
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