6 definitions by Connor smith

A habit that you can't quit.

some examples:
drugs,pokemon,yugioh,hookers,and nintendo
Boy: Mom, can you please stop smoking, it's a really bad addiction. It could hurt you or someone around you.

Mom: Ok. But only if you stop killing people when your asleep.

Boy: Ok mom. I'll try.
by Connor smith August 11, 2007
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Girl with a good personality is perfect for Connor and Connor loves her a lot and she’s cute the perfect girl for Connor smith
Hailey bodkins is nice
by Connor smith November 24, 2021
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The reason we can't sleep at night, the reason why people have to pee every to seconds, the cause of kids born with ADHD, and why superman can fly.
Without coffee I wouldn't be up at 3:00 in the morning writing the definition of coffee. Instead, Ii would be sleeping and not peeing every 2 seconds.
by Connor smith August 10, 2007
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A creature from the Legend of Zelda games. It is a green lizard that blows fire.
Dick: Hey Ben, can you help me with Zelda?

Johnny: Sure, I can't wait to bomb some dodongos!!!

by Connor smith August 11, 2007
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The annoying homosexual lizards that try to get Link in the ass in Nintendo's popular Legend of Zelda games.
Zach: oh crap a dodongo!
Me: oh shit!
Zach: Oh man dude, game over, he just owned your ass.
Me: not again!
by Connor smith August 31, 2007
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When someone catches a case of the stupid and needs extra information to figure stuff out.
Bobtard: Dude my hamster has been asleep for two weeks now, why won't it wake up?

Me: I'll give you 3 hints why;

1-crazy party crack cocain

2-mini master fuzz sniff king

by Connor smith August 31, 2007
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