8 definitions by Comedy's Matt Lee and Dr Mark Cousens

Someone who associates with people who are frankly cunts, and they know this, but they still hang out with them...
Why do you hang out with Peter Tipple?! You're such a fucking beanflicker!
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The system of counting used by Buzz, the fat older jock brother in Home Alone.

Basically it's useful, if you want to list three things. Instead of 1, 2, 3 or A, B, C...

A, 2 and D are used.
a) I'm not that lucky
2) We have smoke detectors.
d) We live in the most boring street in the United States, where nothing remotely interesting will *EVER* happen, period.
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Someone who talks about their girlfriend quite a lot, or does stuff for said girlfriend.
Me, apparently (Matt) am loved up. Sally Jenkinson said so. She's a cummer, and a beanflicker.
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Particularly attractive woman. Tastes so sweet.

urbandictionary.com is mentioned in the film commentary.
"She's like but-ter..." - Ed, Shaun of the Dead
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