14 definitions by Clarabella

sculpting regular fruits and vegetables into various shapes and forms.
Applauds and cheers of wonder and amazement filled the room, again, as Jesus turned yet another vat of water into wine at the round table. Heads turned to David for his show and tell. He stood, sweat building upon his brow and pulled from his trouser pocket his latest foragarmi of a carrot whittled away to form a guitar on which he played long into the night.
by Clarabella April 30, 2020
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Ed rose stands at a colossal 6ft 2 and carries his 180lbs of atomic zest with a lethal combination of chivalry and pride which has the majority of womankind falling at his feet: Doe eyed and doting; paralysed by charm, his victim is then hypnotised by His eyes of Aegean seas whilst his velvet soft voice spins a web of seduction into which the wanton wench is liable to fall.

Above all this, at his core Ed rose is a magician.

His magic is his life force. His one and only electron; It makes for the vibrancy of his being and it protects him from cruel reality. His greatest fear is to loose his cloak of mystery, to hang his hat of tricks, to retire the bunny. Paradoxically, he knows that The act is up. To live the dream he has to Step out of the smoke.
by Clarabella October 18, 2020
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nunion; no onions. Whether to take out of, refrain from using Or when there are no onions.
Waiter I said nunion in my jalfrezzi”
by Clarabella May 6, 2020
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Friendly, robust and the elders of the clan, rather rounded, The chubs have been bumbling Merrily around-sometimes rather blindly for the leaders are very shortsighted- for more then three decades now.

Though a tad absent minded and Clumsy, theses introverted extroverts are a jolly good bunch, helpful, creative and generally good sports in the grand scheme of things.

A few years back, the youngest of the chubs found himself a wife and so the chubs grew to be a five with an honorary chub. Now, there’s news of another chub on the way, and so the bloodline continues and the chubs are to reign another generation!
Though the Supermarkets nationwide out of flour, the chubs shrugged it off And carried on with her baking Of the 25th of apple crumble of the week.
by Clarabella December 18, 2020
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The chubs, a family of 4 established in the early 80s, are a quirky bunch with big hearts and -for some of the members- bigger noses. A couple of them are rounder in size then they’d like to be, as the mothership of the group has recently become a master baker, putting shops out of flour, eggs, sugar and butter all over the midlands.

We recently took on an honorary member, Laura who married the youngest of the chubs, mark and low and behold are set to continue the chubs for another generation. Long reign the chubs, with their big noses, slackening waistlines and huge hearts.
The chubs strikes again- Waitrose, Morrison’s, Tesco’s, Sainsbury’s all out of flour two months in a row!
by Clarabella December 17, 2020
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Pat Krynicka

Pat krynicka 5 ft 3 inches and 50 kg of pure delight and Burning ambition. A humanitarian and rebel for a cause She shines with the light of a billion stars for all to bask in and wonder.
The epitome of stunning, is pat krynicka, her eyes of burning amber framed by hair of pure gold her peony coloured lips serve a voice with the tone of a gentle sea breeze Whispering through the souls of those lucky enough to be graced by her presence.
pat krynicka marched onward deeper into the mountain stifling her hunger with pressing excitement In Knowing of the wolves and bears in her wake though fearless and determined to climb the heights to get the best view of the stars which bore her.
by Clarabella June 5, 2020
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A colossal arsehole, damp old runt used to rule America, badly, and when Americans finally got the chance to be free or damp old runt, damp old runt imploded and former a collective of arseholes who trumped they’re way through Congress and created a massive stink that innocent lives were jeopardised and one sadly lost.

This massive arsehole is being finally being stuffed with a big old batten preventing any vile gases from escaping into social media, but will it be enough?
Damp old runt a massive cunt
by Clarabella January 7, 2021
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