5 definitions by Chuman
a very homosexual man
by Chuman March 24, 2005
The upgraded version of the Thurminator. It's perogatives:
I) to return to the past and be as slutty as possible
II) to kill Sara Conner
III) she will kill you.....in your sleep.
I) to return to the past and be as slutty as possible
II) to kill Sara Conner
III) she will kill you.....in your sleep.
Benz is the Thurminator-II (T2)
by Chuman March 30, 2005
by Chuman March 24, 2005
by Chuman March 24, 2005
When two people enjoy anal sex, however immeatiatly before climaxing the 'giver' thrusts his or hers (provided she's wearing a strap-on) fingers in the 'recievers' throat stimulating the anal sphincer to tighen around the penis (or strap-on).
by Chuman March 28, 2005