4 definitions by Chs2

1) new genius, sly; slippery
2) a diminutive pet word for 'sledgehammer'
You're so sledgy (so sly)
You're my sledgy (insipration for me)
by Chs2 February 16, 2016
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You're so sledgy (so sly). You're my sledgy (inspiration for me)
by Chs2 February 16, 2016
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Russian Iron Man. He was simple cop, but then he'll become Russian superhero.
- Alexander Akulov, are you Grift?
- Yes, I'm superhero.
- Superhero?
- Of course. I'm ex-supercop.
by Chs2 June 22, 2020
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a fighter for the truth (in the context of 'the harsh reality'.)
They were people who wanna fight like velgies* for the justice *pl for 'velgy'
by Chs2 February 16, 2016
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