12 definitions by Chris G.

Rap word for penis, used when it's useful for rhyming. Rarely used.
"I spit on your grave, then I grab my Charles Dickens... bitch."

- Method Man, from Notorious BIG's 'The What' (from the Ready to Die album)
by Chris G. November 12, 2004
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less than a smigden, a very miniscule amount, used to describe small amount of said goods or services. can be used loosley yet must be used with force, a strong word with deep roots back to H.dot and it's representatives abroad
"turn it down a scoatch"

"move a scoatch over"

"my gooch itches a scoatch)
by Chris G. January 23, 2004
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may never be used to describe the groups commonly reffered to as "roadies", "XCers", "BMXers" or any normal moutain biker. Used when referrring to hardcore freeride bikers, mostly used in the urban biking scene when talking to fellow riders, an inside comment, not to be used to often nor to openly. Originated in Ontario by a one "yomar" when discussing "sicling" with fellow riders, on his "twofiff"
"yo, what you up to, lets go sicling"

"wtf! wheres my sicle!"

yeah man, siclist for life!"

by Chris G. January 23, 2004
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slightly un-straight, to be of-kilter is to at an angle, can be used to describe a feeling but was designed to describe the state of such objects as furniture, and other such structures. mainly refered to in H.dot as "that's a scoatch off-kilter"
"that's a scoatch off-kilter"

"hey craig... the tent is off-kilter" reply... "justa scoatch"

"man I fucked my t-ruck! she's sitting off-kilter"
by Chris G. January 23, 2004
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the phenomen occuring when your jeans create a large protrusion in the genital area, commonly caused by a mis-aligned belt buckle of some sort. can be extended to the point where one can say things such as, "khaki boner" and "trollie boner". originated in Ontario by a one "yomar" when such classification was un-heard of. remedies: put the belt buckle at the rear and or sides of the trousers.... may look "odd", but somewhat effective. main problem, the button creates a pivot point for such "boner action". Can sometimes be your friend, yet usually your worst enemy!
"holy shit, it looks like i'm popping wood"

"damn , people are gonna think i have a stiffy"

"pajoneowned, the girls think i have a 2 inch boner"
by Chris G. January 23, 2004
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the condition when a said individual is wearing the pants commonly reffered to as "track pants" and contains a semi-erect penis, usually the aftermath of a full-force hard-on, induced mainly by male influences., looks "sloppy" as it flops around with the loose pants, very noticable and very disturbing. originated in Ontario by a one "yomar" when describing this condtion, original comment "hey, you know that guy SLOPPY BONER CARL!?"
"eww, dude, look at that guys sloppy boner, dude get some jeans"

"omg.... how am i gonna cover this old girl up......"

shit, people are gonna notice, i am so pwnd"

by Chris G. January 28, 2004
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