9 definitions by Chinооk

Jill Hudson and Bald Martin with Matthew Wild are killing morgz and kiera
Jill Hudson and Bald Martin with Matthew Wild are killing morgz and keria
by Chinооk March 11, 2019
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t-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alex
t-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alext-series are big gey like daniels friend alex
by Chinооk March 11, 2019
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which ever will it be sit the heck down T-Series im here to spill the real tea
i <3 pewdiepie
by Chinооk February 13, 2019
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bobs on lasanga which ever will it be, sit the heck down b series im here to spell the real pe
t-series suck pennies
by Chinооk March 18, 2019
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1) A Chinook is the real life version of the Cargobob from GTA V
2) An Xiled Syndicate Member
Some random person who doesnt know their helicopters: What is that helicopter
Me: Thats a fucken chinook mate.


some randomer: Who's that over there?
Boris: Thats XGN Chinook!
by Chinооk December 17, 2019
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annoying year 7s turn you off
annoying year 7s turn you off
by Chinооk March 13, 2019
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