6 definitions by Cheesus Chrust

To get beaten badly in a competition or sport.
Dude, don’t play Jonathan in FIFA. Last time I got absolutely ramshackled 5-1 and I was Tottenham.
by Cheesus Chrust August 14, 2021
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Jake feels quite peesy. Can you stop the van?
by Cheesus Chrust September 30, 2009
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1. A penis.
2. To pee.
He hoodlydoodled out of his hoodlydoodle!
by Cheesus Chrust September 30, 2009
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Bob needed to take a wizzy after drinking all that Mountain Dew.
by Cheesus Chrust September 22, 2009
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A silly term for a penis, ususlly small.
"Mummy! I can see that man's whoodle!"
by Cheesus Chrust September 18, 2009
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A word for testicles, nuts, balls.
What big boinks you have!
by Cheesus Chrust September 30, 2009
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