3 definitions by Captain Roger

The remains of a Soviet Ice Bomb round poured into a single shot glass for Tyson to drink.
Hey! Leave the tray, we still have to make the Tyson Shot.
by Captain Roger February 7, 2003
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Any sweet alcoholic bottled drink marketed at early 20’s females with names like Appletini’s or Bacardi Breezers. Usually made from a wine spirit and sugar base.
Sharon and Kylie went out last night and got wasted on the 30 bottles of Tart Fuel that the boys from the football team bought them.
by Captain Roger February 6, 2003
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A drink consumed by heroes, legends and champions alike. Renown for its abilities to make those who drink it smarter, sexier, 10 ft tall and bullet proof.

Ingredients: ½ shot Blue Curacao ½ shot Parfait Amour in a shot glass which in then dropped into a pint glass of Lemon Ruski. See also 'The Tyson Shot'.

OK! Lets get wasted, who wants a Soviet Ice Bomb?
by Captain Roger February 7, 2003
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