2 definitions by CannedBreadYum

"No❤️" is used when girls around the age of 15 to 18 years old start to lose in an argument that don't want to admit they're wrong. The second time this is usually used when someone has an opinion that said person disagrees with. The person in question usually thinks they won the argument when they send this message.
Common Sense Person: I think that we should all be open to other's opinions, but my personal input is that we shouldn't do this because there will be negative effects to the economy."

Unfunny Girl: "No❤️".

Common Sense Person:
by CannedBreadYum July 18, 2020
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Generation from 1995 to 2009. They span from extremists to normal members of the Generation.

There are 4 classes to a Generation Z

From highest to lowest, extremist Gen Zs are the type to go on Twitter and cancel someone because they said something naughty ten years ago. You can find quite a lot of them in Tik Tok if you look in the right places. These types of Gen Z are also categorized with some KPOP Stans and types of people that say, “No❤️“, and use fairy emojis. This class is the main carrier of cancel culture. Not to paint the Gen Z in a bad light, but this is just the few bad apples. They are also the type to believe Anonymous actually came back. Hey also shame Class 2 for not having the same mindset.

The next class is the, objectively, ideal Gen Z, independent beliefs, not trashing a certain religion or race because of things in the past constantly, just wants to vibe. Do what they want to do, whether it be video games, or scroll through social media. That being said, they won’t stand for things happening in the present, either. These are the types to support BLM but not go to a protest. They look for the entire story and form their stand on situations that way.

The third type is the kind to make fire memes. Like, memes so good they know it’ll go viral. i.e. WW3 or Don’t Take Me to Brazil.

The fourth type is the kind of kids that are just, there. The ones in middle school and make stupid jokes with their friends about weed, or band kids
Guy 1: Damn, some Gen Z really think that posting a black Square on Social media will defund the Police, turning every city into Inglewood.

Guy 2: It really do be like that doe.

Guy 3: Bro that’s Poggers my guy

Guy 4: Ugh, typical sheep. Anyways, Stan Jimin and ACAB ❤️
by CannedBreadYum July 20, 2020
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