27 definitions by Caitlin Perry

1. The plural form of the word platypus;
A semiaquatic egg-laying mammal that frequents lakes and streams in eastern Australia. It has a sensitive pliable bill shaped like that of a duck, webbed feet with venomous spurs, and dense fur.

2. Frequently used term to describe a group of "bitches".
CAITLIN: I don't hang out with those girls anymore, they were bitches.
NATHAN: Fo' REALZ, what a posse o' platypussies!
by Caitlin Perry June 12, 2008
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1. The plural form of the word platypus;
A semiaquatic egg-laying mammal that frequents lakes and streams in eastern Australia. It has a sensitive pliable bill shaped like that of a duck, webbed feet with venomous spurs, and dense fur.

2. Frequently used term to describe a group of "bitches".
CAITLIN: I don't hang out with those girls anymore, they were bitches.
NATHAN: Fo' REALZ, what a posse o' platypussies!
by Caitlin Perry February 16, 2007
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1. The plural form of the word platypus;
A semiaquatic egg-laying mammal that frequents lakes and streams in eastern Australia. It has a sensitive pliable bill shaped like that of a duck, webbed feet with venomous spurs, and dense fur.

2. Frequently used term to describe a group of "bitches".
CAITLIN: I don't hang out with those girls anymore, they were bitches.
NATHAN: Fo' REALZ, what a posse o' platypussies!
by Caitlin Perry February 21, 2007
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1. The plural form of the word platypus;
A semiaquatic egg-laying mammal that frequents lakes and streams in eastern Australia. It has a sensitive pliable bill shaped like that of a duck, webbed feet with venomous spurs, and dense fur.

2. Frequently used term to describe a group of "bitches".
CAITLIN: I don't hang out with those girls anymore, they were bitches.
NATHAN: Fo' REALZ, what a posse o' platypussies!
by Caitlin Perry February 24, 2007
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An acronym which stands for "down to booyah"
This is typically said either between two sexual partners who would be booyaing, or between friends to say, "f'sho, let's do it."

("A exclamation used when a males genitalia are removed from a female orifice smaller than the genitals creating a suction and subsequent popping sound."
by TheManDanIsCool)
CAITLIN: I think I wanna go to Wendy's for lunch.
NATHAN: Yah?? You DTB?
CAITLIN: Eww..no.
NATHAN: No, I mean LETS GO!!!
by Caitlin Perry June 12, 2008
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pronounced MOW (as in, to mow the lawn) +th

The intense pronunciation of the word 'mouth', is often used when silencing another individual offensively by telling them to shut their's.
This term is widely spreading it's use around the Pacific Northwest and puget sound area.

First recognized by the Boston native comedian Dane Cook on his "Harmful if Swallowed" comedy tour.

..."We are going to play a little game I just made up. We are going to turn all the lights off and play, 'Who's in my Moewth' "
-Dane Cook
by Caitlin Perry March 22, 2007
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The correct spelling of the word 'windmill', according to it's typical pronunciation.

This variant of the word is commonly used by those of the Pacific Northwest and Puget Sound regions, whose accents are considered to be "very neutral" to most Americans and Canadians.

The Northwest's accent is one of the closest living accents to conservative General American English.

It lacks the Northern Cities Vowel Shift, and does not participate as strongly in the California Vowel Shift, or the Canadian raising as do other regional accents.

Because of its lack of any distinguishing vowel shift, the accent is very similar to and hard to distinguish from conservative speakers in other dialect regions especially the Northern Midlands, California, and the praries.
STEPHANIE: I'm from Holland
LACEY: is that where they have those giant fans?
STEPHANIE: yes, they're called windmeals.
LACEY: sav
by Caitlin Perry March 22, 2007
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