12 definitions by C. Dub

Pronounced (boo-key); This is a person of Middle Eastern or Indian descent. They are so called, b/c when they speak, all it sounds like they are saying is bookie bookie bookie.
Hey man do you wanna go get a Slurpee from the store?
Yeah I'd love to, but I can't understand that smeely bookie behind the counter.
by C. Dub November 6, 2006
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The most worthless, unreliable, faulty, electrostatic digital printers known to man kind. Not worth the metal out of which they are fabricated. Manufactured in the Netherlands, it seems as though the workers who make these ridiculous trash heaps are stoned out of their minds whilst attempting to make them. They are easily recognizable by their Cannibas sativa hue.
Noob: "Hey man, we have another fun-filled day of reprography ahead of us."
Manager: "Yep well fire-up the ol' Océ."
Noob: "Hot diggity dawg, I'd love to except I ganked the blinky thing."
by C. Dub November 7, 2006
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A bitch mouth is any guy who who runs his mouth like a little bitch. This is particularly true in the context of gettin pwned (i.e. getting an ass whoopin form you boy in a game of hoops, you whine and complain like a dirty bitch mouth). In short a male who is whiny and complains excessively. This word can be used as a direct object noun (i.e. he has a bitch mouth) or as an act (i.e. Every time I kick you ass in poker you act like such a dirty bitch mouth).
This is particularly true in the context of gettin pwned (i.e. getting an ass whoopin form you boy in a game of hoops, you whine and complain like a dirty bitch mouth). This word can be used as a direct object noun (i.e. he has a bitch mouth) or as an act (i.e. Every time I kick you ass in poker you act like such a dirty bitch mouth).
by C. Dub November 6, 2006
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Most commonly known as DDT, this is a chemical that was widely used as a pesticide (particularly for mosquito control) in the 1990's before being banned across the board by all states.
If I were to kill a midget, perhaps the best methos would be to lace his drink with a little dichloro-diphenyl-trichlorothane.
by C. Dub November 7, 2006
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This is the king of all douche bags. A perfect waste of space and human life. They can often be seen driving a Honda Civic(Toyota Corolla, Tercel, etc.) with an annoyingly loud muffler on the back. This person usually will talk a lot of shit, be very skinny, white (whilst wishing he were black or Latino), wear very baggy clothing, and try to talk like a gangster. This term can be used universally by all to example anyone who exhibits douche-like qualities.
Nick Carter's little brother should be named Douchey McDouchester as he exhibits all of the qualities listed above. This is also a derivation of Douchey McDouchems.
by C. Dub November 6, 2006
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