26 definitions by Burn Mar-a-Lago

A meme made up by right wing inbreds because liberals hurt their fee-fees.
"Liberal Tolerance" the meth popper whines, because he won't tolerate my bigotry while I wave my confederate flag."
by Burn Mar-a-Lago January 28, 2017
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The values of the modern conservative or rather chimpservitive. Chimpism is a combination of white nationalist aka racism, fascism, pseudo science such as climate change being fake and calling clumps of cells "babies" and arachno capitalist feudalism. Chimpservitives devolved into Chimpism when Barak Obama became president of the United States.
Anyone who whines about socialism is guilty of chimpism. Despite the fact they they mooch off socialist programs on a daily basis.
by Burn Mar-a-Lago March 3, 2019
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A feminist bimbo who still believes some how western skanks are still "oppressed", when white women are the most privileged group in the western world.

This is because white boomer hags are in charge of our Universities , and pass on their hatred to Generation Y bimbos.
Bimbo's who complain about the non existent wage gap,slut walkers ,people who enact laws to protect white campus sluts instead of minority women are all third-wave feminists.

They tend to call foreign/minority women sluts because of genetic female jealousy.
by Burn Mar-a-Lago September 4, 2011
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Chamberlain Democrat are pseudo liberals who whine about real liberals using terms against Democracy hating MAGAts. They tend to whine about "dehumanizing" people when these sub-human monsters dehumanize and murder liberals, racial minorities, LGBTQA+, Jews and immigrants on a daily basis. Because they feel oppressed by the mere existence of anyone who isn't Straight, White & Xtian.

Chamberlain Democrats live and frequent social media suburban white echo chambers where minorities are miles away from violence carried out by MAGAts.
Chamberlain Democrat: We shouldn't dehumanizing people with the word MAGAt!

Real Democrat: Are you stupid? MAGAts are out their killing anyone who isn't White, CIS and Christian. Pretty soon they'll commit acts of Genocide and put the survivors in Death camps.

After the liberation of a MAGAt run Death Camp.

Chamberlain Democrat: Stop murdering trump supporters, their human like the rest us!
Real Democrat: Human my ass. There are piles of dead minorities, Jews and Atheists back in the death camps. It's the fault of you MAGAt appeasers that their acts of genocide became reality. We should have left you to die back there.
by Burn Mar-a-Lago September 3, 2023
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A right wing thot who couldn't find a real man so she marries a right wing incel for their money or government handouts. Says she loves her husband but once she finds a non-incel such as a liberal or non-white she gets horny and goes on racist tirades. Until she inevitably cheats on him with an actual man or a family member.
Tradwifes are the biggest sluts or tend to be former sluts. Only incels with low standards have sex with or merry them.
by Burn Mar-a-Lago September 3, 2023
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What conservatives"women" pretend right wing manginas their not . Common features or blonde or fake blonde hair, botox injections and breast implants or wish they could be like them. Both groups are bimbos who voted for Drumpf at 53%.
The first boyfriend of a Conservaslut is usually her father, brother,uncle, cousin or a horse.
by Burn Mar-a-Lago December 27, 2016
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House Negros are almost always right wing glue sniffers.
by Burn Mar-a-Lago October 18, 2018
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