25 definitions by Bum Stigity Bum

A huge rock star from Australia who bites the heads off of wombats on stage.
-G'day mate, you see Aussie last noyt?
-Aussie Ausbourne? Yeah mate, front row, oym still cahvahd in the blood of mahsupyuls.
by Bum Stigity Bum February 16, 2011
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Where'd i put that bar of....D'ove! (hits head on shower faucet)
by Bum Stigity Bum February 13, 2010
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a variant of the english language featuring acronyms usually only encountered in text messages and electronic mail correspondences
-OMG WTF is his problem?
-excuse me?
-oh sry just using lolspeak
by Bum Stigity Bum November 8, 2010
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Mrs. Claus - Why are you all covered in soot?
Santa- Bitch I was gettin my pump on in the chimnasium.
by Bum Stigity Bum January 20, 2011
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A roadie specializing in arranging lines of nose candy on the tour bus. When the band is finished with their show, they have little slices of heaven waiting for them.
Groupie: Can you get me on the bus?
Railsplitter: No, but I can get you high as heeeelllllllll.
by Bum Stigity Bum April 9, 2010
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(brah-thur) He's your brother AND your father.

Ex: A man and a woman have a son. Once he is old enough to fire live ammunition, he sleeps with mom, impregnating her. She gives birth to a child who has a mother and a brather.
Son: Hey want to go light firecrackers?
Brather: Normally I would, except I grounded you for stealing my cigarettes, remember?
by Bum Stigity Bum February 13, 2010
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Someone who has shit their brains out.
-Is Justin still on the bowl?
-Yeah, and he's unresponsive.
-Maybe he's finally gone full diarretard.
by Bum Stigity Bum February 13, 2010
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