107 definitions by Brother Number One

(Acronym for Scene Kid ) - A Pathetic young person aged under 25 who blindly and mindlessly follows the flock like the Sheep they are but fit the description of: Males - Mohawks or Died hair and "punk" outfits although they know shit about the punk genre and only dress like a punk because its "in style". The female species of this diddicums group has choppy hair often with one side passing over either the left or right eye and is often dyed (usually black). In any cases Scenesters either listen to wussy poser "punk" bands (AKA "punk" bands that are actually on the top 40 or 50 or whatever charts and are overplayed on top 40/50 radio stns) ie. Blink 182, Greenday. or whatevers hot on the charts at current. Scenesters are another Sub-Group of Preps and chavs - sick fucks who like the sheep they are follow the crowd and dont know shit about individuality.
Those Scenesters - they need to be rounded at gunpoint to cathedral square, tied to that cone thingee and executed via firing squad for being poseurs - fuck them all, they die now
by Brother Number One June 29, 2005
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The Scum of the Earth - Pathetic Young woman aged between 12 and 29 who dress in sexually explicit clothes (mini skirts, knee boots), fuck one guy, dump him the next morning when shes sober, and move on to the next guy, These Bitches can be found at places such as Rain Bar, The Hut, The Grumpy Mole and Flashbacks - In fact any bar anywhere in the World, They are pathetic attention whores and are considered the archcriminal of the planet and need to be tied to the towbark of a pick up truck and driven around a rugby field until they expire, stoned to death with broken bricks, or tied to a goalpost and shot via firing squad.
Slutty - Kelly Howard that whore that hangs out at Flashbacks
by Brother Number One May 29, 2005
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1 - the former iraqi infomation minister best known for his misrepresented remarks during the Iraqi wars of 2003.
da americans have been blowen all the way to hell, we are winning.
by Brother Number One June 28, 2003
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A Supposid right that for 160 years served as a ket component of the New Zealand democracy until it was robbed by that common bloodstained criminal hlene clark in the "name" of the war on terrorism
Fuck you Helen Clark if you further restrict the freedom of speech in New Zealand then the only criminal is you ya fucking bloodstained common criminal.
by Brother Number One July 24, 2005
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1 - One of the most popular and loved Characters from the Animated sitcom the simpsons runs the Kwik-E-Mart with his Brother Sanjay. Was a member of the barbershop quartet the bee sharps. He is currently married to Manjula and a proud father of Octuplets. Apu is voiced by hank azaria

2 - The Finnish word for "Help"
"Thank you pleae come again"
"he slept he stole, he was rude to the customers, still there goes the best damned employee a kwik e mart could get".

"apu, apu my car has broken down near Helsinki, apu please im late for work"
by Brother Number One June 6, 2005
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a general insult directed against the inferior used as an alternative against the general term yo mama
yo grampa has an arse that smells like cheese
by Brother Number One March 31, 2004
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Any plant of the Genis Nicotiana tobacum Lycopersicon of which produces a narcotic and extremely addictive affect when consumed usu. orally
Cheif Wiggum: Hey ralph be careful with thta tomacco plant

Ralph Wiggum: This stuff tastes like Grandma

Ralph Wiggum: I want More
by Brother Number One November 6, 2003
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