4 definitions by Brosama binladen

When a group of people (most of the time virgins) group up in a circle while they all hold the same basket in one hand while mastubating in it
“Dude me Kyle, Ross and Dave had a great time cum basketing
by Brosama binladen April 18, 2020
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Little mentally handicapped autistic square sponge. Diagnosed with ptsd in 2012 this sponge is living in a pineapple under the sea
Bro did you hear spongebob was diagnosed with ptsd
by Brosama binladen April 18, 2020
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When a group of people (most of the time three of four) all gather around in a circle sometimes in a urinal or sock etc and all masturbate simultaneously
Dude Kyle, Dave and bob had a circle cumming in the urinal next to me the other day
by Brosama binladen April 18, 2020
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When a group of people (most of the time three of four) all gather around in a circle sometimes in a urinal or sock etc and all masturbate simultaneously
Dude Kyle, Dave and bob had a circle cumming in the urinal next to me the other day
by Brosama binladen April 18, 2020
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