24 definitions by Brian Smith

a person who always talks about poop or a term used as an insult.
stop being a turd goblin.
by Brian Smith November 9, 2004
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any band that comes out of the "new generation" of punk bands that is gothic and emo at the same time just like Afi.
i hate gayfi and all bands influenced by it but all of the old gothic punk bands like TSOL kick major ass!
by Brian Smith December 3, 2004
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the smell commenly found in old folks homes, hospitals, funeral homes,Goodwill,The Salvation Army and pretty much any place else that is boring as hell to be in.
it smells like the old people smell at the family reunion.
by Brian Smith November 9, 2004
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GOOSEFRAUBAHthe slime that sometimes devolopes between the anus and the genitals

derived from the eskimo word goofrba
your'e full of goosefraubah.
by Brian Smith November 7, 2004
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an ape desended life form that is in close relation to a human but not in the homo-sapian classification of human species. the jock is in the lower hiarchy of man known as the dumasasapian species.
Everyone knows that jocks provide the missing ling and prove evolution.
by Brian Smith November 9, 2004
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when your ass starts hurting because you have been sitting down on a long trip
I got buttlag after two hundred miles.
by Brian Smith November 9, 2004
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