4 definitions by Booz

A gay sex act in which one guy is giving another a blow job. The man receiving the blow job cums in the other's mouth and tells the guy giving the blow job something funny so that cum exits out his nose, similar to when someone is drinking milk and laughs.
When Chris was giving William a blow job, William told an extremely funny joke so that Chris got a milky mustache.
by Booz January 12, 2011
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States that if an argument arises when discussing a certain actor's best movie, if said actor appeared in the movie "Good Will Hunting," the argument is over and "Good Will Hunting" is the best movie that actor appeared in
Idiot - Ben Affleck's best movie is Argo.

Intelligent Person - Ha! Nope, it's Good Will Hunting! The law of "Good Will Hunting" states I'm correct!
by Booz August 12, 2014
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To consume 2000 calories (80 rolls) worth in Smarties alone in a short span.
First bro - That frat boy puked trying to accomplish the Smartie Challenge.

Second bro - What a bitch, he only got through 47 packs. He still had 33 left.
by Booz January 10, 2013
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to attempt to steal something by means of lying when its owner is in plain sight of the object attempting to be stolen
One guy to his buddy - "Don't give that talking monkey on the internet your credit card number! He's straight up trying to Sea Palms you!"
by Booz April 9, 2013
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