4 definitions by Boo Boo

A award ceromony where all these rich famous people come to get awards in their outragasley expensave dresses, tux's, and jewlery............OMFG im sooooooooooo jelous
orlando bloom accepted his award at the oscars while wearing an armani suit
by Boo Boo March 7, 2005
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ahem! Not all upstate New Yorkers are toothless hicks! Actually Upstate is a pretty nice place to live. The only place upstate with toothless hicks is Orange County, NY. ew they;re gross...but other than that Upstate NY kicks arse! ...O and if Upstate NY had nothing to offer, then how come people from the city flock here EVERY single weekend!! ..yeah..nothing to offer..pshh u guys cant get enough of us!
Come to Upstate, NY for some real lovin'
by Boo Boo June 26, 2004
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Mehran and Ghazaleh, Meant to Be
September 12th, 2003
In both our hearts we know we found eachother to be... forever in love

When you took my hand, I knew i found my forever love
by Boo Boo December 20, 2004
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a jerk of a guy who cares more about his popularity than his real friends. He
will be friends with anyone as long as no one popular is around. Mostly seen in suburban High Schools.
An example would be a very tall, very hairy and very shaftlike guy, Matt Lane
by Boo Boo September 27, 2004
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