18 definitions by Bob Gurch

Boring Mathematics teacher. Says "Raat" a lot.
Raat then, it's Doyce!
by Bob Gurch May 25, 2004
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Cheap brand of glue used by schools that can't afford anything better.

Tacky, but not sticky.
Gloy, Gloy, Glorious Gloy
Glue from the stick you must deploy
And if this you fail to do
You'll find yourself smothered in glue
And also, if you should destroy
A wonderful, innocent stick of Gloy
And replace it with some awful Pritt
Prepare to die, you blasphemous git.
by Bob Gurch May 25, 2004
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Any member of the Church family.

(Numerous exceptions include Charlotte Church and the Roman Catholic Church).

Many have a tendency to say "Gah" a lot.
Gah! It's Gurch!
by Bob Gurch May 25, 2004
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It's the letter Y, with two dots on top. I imagine that ÿ is pronounced differently from y, but if so, I don't know what the difference actually is.
Person 1: "Look, that ÿ has two dots on it!"
Person 2: "Must be a misprint."
by Bob Gurch August 27, 2004
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1. Brand of German dictionary

2. Synonym for 'crap'
1. Give me the Pons...

2. Well, that's just Pons, isn't it?
by Bob Gurch May 25, 2004
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Short for 'gigahertz'. Measure of processor speed in any decent computer system.
Person 1: My PC has a 3.6 GHz processor!
Person 2: *yawn*
by Bob Gurch August 2, 2004
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A sort of symbolic cross thingy.
Person 1: "Do you know what ‡ means?"
Person 2: "No."
Person 1: "Me neither."
by Bob Gurch August 27, 2004
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