3 definitions by Benny11

1. An offensive term for someone who loves school and/or educational related things.

2. An offensive term for someone who plays video games that are outdated or are played on a DS, GameCube, etc.
1. "That kid does math for fun, he's such a nerd."

2. "That Nerd plays video games on a GameCube."
by Benny11 December 10, 2018
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A male body part of where the male urinates and where sperm comes out to make a baby.
"He has a penis."
by Benny11 December 10, 2018
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A derogatory term used for Male people of European Ancestry. It is mainly used by people that are not "white" but it is also used by "White Males" while they're talking to another "White Male".
Non-White Person to a White Male: "You're a stupid little white boy."

White Male to another White Male: "Yo what's up white boy."
by Benny11 December 10, 2018
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