4 definitions by Bendickmemes

An insult for someone who blaims academic mistakes on others thinking they are smarter than the system, but in reality are just complaining, slack off, or just an idiot. More specifically, they complain about school constantly how its all the teacher's fault for their bad grades. When in reality they never work hard, study, or put any real effort into any classes
Grayson said in science that "I could easily get a B, I just don't care. The school system is a joke anyway." Wow! What a Glue Eater
by Bendickmemes July 25, 2020
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A girlfriend you have at a short time only because you're bored or just want to have a girlfriend. A girl who is dumb, is lonely, or has daddy issues make great targets. You usually will lie and appeal to this person until they get sick of you or you get sick of them. Then when you're done you get them to hate you so you don't have to talk to them again.
That one girl I dated last month? She was a disposable Girlfriend. I never really cared for her.
by Bendickmemes February 21, 2019
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An insult to someone who cuts themselves. If they have alot of cuts on their arm. It looks like a barcode.
Stay away from that kid Jonathan. Have you seen his arm? He's a fucking Barcode Bitch.
by Bendickmemes May 1, 2019
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A phrase based on by the mythical figure Mr. Bendick. An AP US history teacher known for his fantastic lectures and handsome looks. Uses this word meaning you want to be with a man as great as Mr. Bendick or wishing your friend good luck on a history test
by Bendickmemes May 11, 2018
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