3 definitions by Beezus Fuffoon

A paedophile.

The term stems from the statistically remarkable number of convicted child sex-offenders among the servants, friends and acquaintances of a certain member of the British Royal Family.
"Of course people had been saying for years that Savile was 'a friend of Prince Charles', so it's not like it was a huge secret or anything."
by Beezus Fuffoon September 19, 2018
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The practice, usually by politicians, of wearing a pair of clear-lensed non-prescription spectacles, with the intent to make themselves appear serious, credible or intellectual.
Named after Michael Gove, the British politician, who first started the trend, it has since spread across the political divide, with the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joining in during the referendum campaign.
"Rick Perry put everything into that Energy Secretary role, he bought a new suit and even started Goving in an effort to pretend he was clever."
by Beezus Fuffoon May 26, 2022
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A popular job for those predatory paedophiles who lack the necessary contacts for a career in politics.

As the saying goes:

"Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
Those who like watching small boys in the shower, teach PE."
"In retrospect the fact that Jimmy Saville dressed like a PE teacher was probably a dead giveaway."
by Beezus Fuffoon April 17, 2022
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