4 definitions by Barra 🔛🔝

When your v6 commadoore can't handle the limiter.
I went for a skid and she was manging then she went mang mang bang I'm now verry sad
by Barra 🔛🔝 November 22, 2022
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A car that's mainly driven via lebos to go get kebabs
Bro vl turbos are such leb sleads there shit anyway holden cried to Nissan to get the rb30
by Barra 🔛🔝 November 22, 2022
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A bommadoore is a holden commodore that's going to explode soon
Bro your vt commie is such a bommadoore
by Barra 🔛🔝 December 4, 2022
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A commonwhore I a name given to vt, vx, vy and vz commadoores
Haha look it's a commonwhore over there!
by Barra 🔛🔝 December 6, 2022
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