4 definitions by Baron von Evil

To fist a girl's vagina or ass or a Man's ass so hard and fast that either time explodes or the universe comes apart at the seams. Enducing lulz.

Powerfisting must be used in conjuction with the "powerfist shout" in order to reach maximum power and lulz.
Wendy: Yeah, don't stop...more
Gary: How about a powerfisting?
Wendy, Yeah..do it..

*Universe collapses*
by Baron von Evil February 17, 2008
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To fuck someone or thing underwater/in an aquatic environment.
Tom: Yo Henry, you know Cindy?
Henry: Yeah..
Tom: I totally got her to aquafuck me in the bath last night
Henry =O
by Baron von Evil February 17, 2008
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Quite possibly the greatest ever doodle of all time, Niggabean has time and time again been a source of lulz for a select group of students at MCC.
Josh: Did you see what Ryan plastered on the head's door?
Steve: Oh yeah, Niggabean! Lolz.
by Baron von Evil June 10, 2008
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To fart whilst performing a cartwheel. Hilarity ensues.
Robert: Oh man! You should've seen it, Tricia hyped up this trick then ended up doing a fartwheel!

Matt: Lulz.
by Baron von Evil June 10, 2008
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