2 definitions by Barackobonzo

Someone who (or when somebody) send(s) the wrong person (or people) an inappropriate message that they meant to send to someone else.
Person one (typing): hey, check out the Butt (DONK) in the parking lot dude!

Person two (District manager typing in chat): Hey Person One, what exactly is a DONK??

Person three (typing in same chat): YEAH Person One... What IS a DONK???

Person One (TYPING Extremely embarrassed): oh... Uh... I was talking about a bad parking job out in the lot....
by Barackobonzo October 16, 2022
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The point in which a Marvel Movie does not incorporate Stan Lee enough within one of his Cameos!
They totally Under-Stan'd that whole scene in Spiderman 2!
by Barackobonzo February 15, 2022
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