2 definitions by BaldandProud84

This word comes from North Yorkshire and the Lakes, often used amongst Cyclists to describe them being in a pissed state during their many post-riding events held in large venues such as concert halls and high-class hotels, mainly around Christmas and New Year. Similar to Mullhalled but spelt the proper way, many Cyclists are known to use the phrase regularly when drunk at festive gatherings.
"I won't be doing much riding this weekend, I'm aiming to get truly Mulhalled".

"Did you see Martin last night at the Christmas gathering?"
"I did, he was completely Mulhalled wasn't he! I saw the pictures".
by BaldandProud84 June 3, 2019
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In a similar league to drunk or plastered; deriving from the mid to higher-classes based in parts of North Yorkshire and the North East of England, including Harrogate, Ripon and Hexham.

Word originally coined in the early 1940's as a word to describe a person who is in a heightened state of inebriation around the festive period (spouting the word 'Mull' from the intake of Mulled Wine) and the 'Hall' originating from the venue of groups of high brows getting pissed.
"Did you see Elizabeth last night Gordon?"
"No I didn't, why?"
"Dear, oh dear, she was absolutely Mullhalled".

"I'm not lying, I got so Mullhalled last night I could hardly see clearly, George".
by BaldandProud84 June 3, 2019
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