1 definition by BLAZEon420

The feeling is honesetly somtimes really really hard to explain but i will do my best. Just as it sounds. To be as HIGH as a kite. To be able to feel what a bird feels when you close your eyez and begin to access you imaginative cortex of your brain. Your heart beats faster in the begginning and your eyez grow, followed by a temperature(if you dont get a temp. then your not high enough......take another hit!). You will find yourself laughing at the most miniscule(smallest) things, and your perception will widen. YOu will start to notice things you never would have noticed if sober. Everyone i belive has a inner person living inside who doesnt come out too often, Marijuanna brings em out. He will be very different than YOU. Not all the time but he will be everything your not, meaning he will be rude and clumsy and will get you into trouble(So please use this as a recreational activity and dont drive when high. Only continuous users can handle driving and even they mess up. I wanted to finish here but thats just the tip of the iceberg. One cornea in your eye will get big and one will become small, some more than others. Some people get aggressive when high, some get nice and comfortable. Depends on the person but mostly on the type of Herb(type of marijuanna). Music, Video Games, Movies(especially Comedies) highten the high. If your at a party youll find youve never danced like you did or somtimes the opposite happens. The sound of the music whether Rap or classical will be heard in a totally different perspective. You will find yourself standing/sitting and listening so carefully as if its the last track that will ever be played again, and when finished you will be like OHH WWWOOOWWW dat was tooo kooo man " PLay DAt Shit AGAIN" and you just might be at it for a few hours or so before you realize that you had to be at work an hour ago. I work at an arcade and i got high with a co worker once. And so i go to a car game and stare at it thinking how freakin koo it is, the car when racing looked like a spaceship. I wish i couldve shared that moment with everybody. But ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END. Enter The Downing Stage. Basically "dude ima close my eyez for a sec" or "im tired". Allright I think I did an allright job as to explaing what High Feels like but the best way Just smoke man. Its not a big deal, your not gonna get addicted after one time I PROMISE. All that i ask is that you do it responsibly. Thank you BLAZE
hahahaha........ continued by more uneccesary laughter

eh yoo let wrap up a blunt and get high maann
by BLAZEon420 September 4, 2006
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