22 definitions by BILLYGOAT

This term is used for insulting someone fat,overwhieght, huge,etc. this is because the Big Mac is a very big and fattening burger from Mc'Donalds. You can also use the term Mc'double.
(In a classroom with a fat teacher) student1"the Big Mac is comeing" student2 " everyone do your work!!" Fat teacher " I'm back now do your damn work!!"
by BILLYGOAT May 14, 2015
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1. Helps pick chicks up. Pussy Wagon.
2. Classic Ford car still in production.
We can take the mustang out this weekend and pickup some chicks.
by BILLYGOAT November 15, 2002
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1. An animal from Tremmors that flys by igniting a bodily fluid that shoots from their ass.

2. A Queer, Homo, Faggot.
Hey Burt, theres an Assblaster right behind you!

Those guys are such ass blasters its not even funny.
by BILLYGOAT November 15, 2002
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Some guy that has no life and hangs out on IRC
by BILLYGOAT September 23, 2003
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1. What happens when you sit on a Milk Crate for extended periouds of time.
Man I sat on that Milk crate for a couple hours last night at the camp fire and went to bed with a waffle ass.
by BILLYGOAT November 15, 2002
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A girl that means the world to me. She is so beautiful and makes my day better. Each day I seem to love her more and more. Her smile is what makes me go crazy and smile. She's so cute!!
Savanna is so cute. Be like her
by BILLYGOAT March 4, 2016
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1. The ass of a female so tight that you believe you could crack walnuts on it.
Wow...If that chick doesn't have a walnut ass I've never seen one before.
by BILLYGOAT November 16, 2002
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