68 definitions by BEcky

Mike/comfortable, when a person named mike is more that comfy, he's mumfy
I lay on Mike and he was so mumfy I fell asleep.
by BEcky October 13, 2003
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When two men are having anal sex and making porpoise noises, they are brown porpoising.
I heard two men brown porpoising the other night. I was quite perturbed.
by BEcky April 13, 2005
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A person that doesn't like to be called Defrost.
Defost played jj2 all day on his birthday.
by BEcky December 23, 2003
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One who HUMPS TREES okay...
Justin Sliwke humps his holler tree in his back yard what a fuckin dandraphiliac...
by BEcky February 22, 2005
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To nod your head uncontrollably from side to side without end...ever!
In dellying his head, Jamie Paolino was emulating the old woman who can no longer control her neck spasms.
by BEcky October 28, 2004
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preppy is people that wear clothes such as abercrombie and american eagle...they dont have to be all proper but they have to own atleast 3 polo shirts.
wtf is wrong w/being preppy!
by BEcky February 26, 2005
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a snobby stuck up brat who thinks just because they have alot of money and wear name brand shit there all that.most preps are on sports teams and a fan of tight ugly cloths that they cant even breath in short shorts
ugly tops that raveles way more then ppl wanna c. there always talking about shoes and how they are the best and there life is so grand and how everyone looks up to them well honeslty the only way i look up to preps or even look at preps is when im thinking about them dead in that little cascet.
have u ever heard somone say "omg i broke a nail" well who ever the hell says that get as far away from them as possable because they suck!
by BEcky February 14, 2004
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