3 definitions by B. Sasquatch

One who is greatly in-tune to the art of POON. A man who can Mac like no other. Generally known as a pimp, and looked up to by the lower male class.
Damn Andy, you are indeed a Pooninite.
by B. Sasquatch May 27, 2005
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A combination of the English term for boobies, 'Jobblies,' crossed with the Austrailian term for boobies, 'Dangos,' thus resulting in Jobblie-Dangos
Russel: Hey mate, look at the jobblie-dangos on that one!
Steven: Aye, those are the niciest pair of Jobblie-Dangos I've ever laid my eyes across.
by B. Sasquatch July 1, 2005
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Pimpass is a descriptive word used to enhance the awesomeness of something. Pimpass can be used on a daily basis, and will never get old. It can be used to describe several different things.
A) Damn Ben, your SUV sure is pimpass.
B) I'll pimpass in your gimpass.
C) ...Pimpass
by B. Sasquatch June 16, 2005
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