3 definitions by Awesome guy... who is awesome

Someone who doesn’t know how to swim who thinks that they are so awesome and praise themselves so highly that they believe that they themselves are god, they try to walk on water and drown due to the fact that they cannot swim.
Father at the funeral: “how did my son die?”
The friend: “you see he was into awesomism, so he believed that he could walk on water.”
Father: “but he couldn’t.”
The friend: “I know, but he thought he could.”
Father: “what idiot came up with that word awesomism anyways?”
The friend: “your son before he died.”
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A person who is scared of a fake thing that he or her (one or the other) has created in their minds.
Pronounced: ess-see-pee-how-bee-ah
Person: thinks about a monster made of coffee mugs

The idea in this explanation is that she is SCPhobic and is scared of the thing that she just created.

in a sentence it would be used like
Person: “why is she so scared of that coffee cup?”
other person: “she’s SCPhobic.”
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When one becomes thirsty whilst shopping at a thrift shop and drinks a half drank water bottle found in the pocket of a fur coat, the following days are agony, the said person develops hepatitis a, develops a sun burn some how, and catches feelings a boy or girl that they know will break their heart, said person also catches homosexuality... somehow...
Pronunciation: th-ir-ff-tee
Person: “hey since when was ____ gay?”
Other person: “ever since he drank a half empty water bottle when he was thirfty.”
Person: “how does that work?”
Other person: “I don’t know, why are you asking me?!”
Person: “because you knew that he was thirfty!”

Other person: “ya well ?! I’m sleeping with your wife!”
Person: “ok?! So?! I’m sleeping with yours!”

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