17 definitions by ArcherDooser/Roo
A South African self propelled anti aircraft gun, that was developed in the 1980's, and was used in the 1990's. Its armed with a ZU-23-2 for close range aircraft and helicopters. Around 36 of them were built.
by ArcherDooser/Roo June 28, 2023
Some South African railway company that focuses on cargo and passenger service idk.
I'm still surprised how South Africa is still surviving.
I'm still surprised how South Africa is still surviving.
The urge to Spoornet.
by ArcherDooser/Roo October 31, 2023
I have no idea what this is
I forgor what I was about to say
I dont know where I am
What is this place
I forgor what I was about to say
I dont know where I am
What is this place
the uhh
by ArcherDooser/Roo October 31, 2023
by ArcherDooser/Roo October 31, 2023
æ (pronounced as "ah") Is a Latin character that is created by joining the letters "A" and "E" together. It is originally a ligature that represents the Latin gliding vowel, "ae" The word "æ" was used in many other Germanic languages, languages, which includes the following:" Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Faroese, Old Swedish, Latin and Old English.
by ArcherDooser/Roo July 20, 2023
A delicious desert or a treat, that is basically a lot of melted chocolate chips on a warm pancake and is folded. so it looks like a taco.
by ArcherDooser/Roo June 30, 2023
A tropical town in the Dominican Republic that is located on the eastern part of the Dominican Republic. It's mainly a resort town for tourists and visitors.
by ArcherDooser/Roo June 23, 2023