6 definitions by Anita Whore

on a certain day of the week (mostly on mondays) someone might feel retarded or simply stupid. Some beleive it is caused by vaginal fluid that may be in the brain. It is normally caused by fatigue or mostly a hangover.
"holly shit today i had at least 87% vaginal fluid on the brain!"

how come?

"its a monday u fuckin retard"
by Anita Whore May 13, 2008
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CB = Cigar/Cigarette Break...

Thy person who doesn't want to smoke alone, yells out CB!!! Thus creating a substantial amount of smokers to converse while smoking.
CB can be used in many terms such as:

lets CB
Im calling a CB
may I CB with you?
I love CB'ing
by Anita Whore August 21, 2011
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Neins Fellatio

When a lucky guy unexpectedly gets a blowjob from a drunkn chick at a party
After drinking 7 beers gen gave chris a neins fellatio
by Anita Whore May 10, 2008
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nipple shirt

when a shirt is so tight that we can see the persons nipples. It is very visible and can be seen about 30 feet away from the person wearing this.
holly shit did u see antos nips in the fuckin nipple shirt!
by Anita Whore May 12, 2008
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nipple day

The 6th of every month is dedicated to the nipple. It is soon to be a national event. On the 6th of every month, grab, lick, bite every nipple you can find (except cows)
last nipple day i grabbed andrews nipples
by Anita Whore May 12, 2008
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side boob

when a girl with silicone boobs exposes only the side of her boob.
damn that girls side boob looks good!!!
by Anita Whore May 12, 2008
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