3 definitions by AngryDragon15

Fox News

Biased right-wing propaganda machine created solely for the sake of brainwashing and misleading the people with alternative facts. Their shows are mostly garbage, especially Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. Fox News shouldn't even be called "news", it's more entertainment than anything else. Their only good anchor is Shepard Smith, who is one of their only journalists.
Some Random Guy: Hey, do you watch Fox News?
Some Random Guy's Friend: No, why would I watch right-wing propaganda?
Some Random Guy: Because everything they say is true, and anyone who proves it wrong is considered part of the left-wing media!
Some Random Guy: Wow... you must have been hooked on Fox News... it's like a drug that you can't cure from.
Some Random Guy's Friend: You better not watch CNN or MSNBC, they are just liberal mouthpieces.
Some Random Guy: I know... but it's much, much better than watching white supremacists talk about how bad illegal immigration is and how they keep discussing Uranium One even though it's been debunked by one of their LEGITIMATE hosts, Shep Smith.
Some Random Guy's Friend: I can agree with you on that one.
by AngryDragon15 September 27, 2018
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Ann Coulter

The Nazi brainchild of Adolf Hitler, Ann Coulter is the alt-right supporter of Trump, and will do anything to spread her hate across millions of people. Ann Coulter HATES immigrants, and wants them deported immediately. She is a delusional nutjob that had studied in the field of eugenics (great idea...) and had also worked in the Westboro Baptist Church (ok that is sickening). She has no brain under that head of hers, she is hollow, and has intolerance towards differing opinions.
Reporter: This just in! Ann Coulter has just blamed extremism, genocide in Myanmar, and smuggling children on liberals.
Reporter #2: Ann Coulter, the infamous white-privileged KKK member caught 10 people "smuggling children" while on her trip to Libya.
Reporter: The problem is.... the bags didn't have children in them... it was non-perishable food.
Reporter #2: Somehow, this alt-right alien can't distinguish between food and people, it's kinda scary.
Reporter: Sadly, this is how humans evolve to nowadays, cruel and cold neofascists who care about Trump and bash liberals.
by AngryDragon15 September 27, 2018
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A website run by the most insane conspiracy theorist on the planet. He's one of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists, and he also believes that school shootings aren't real, and are all staged, such as Sandy Hook or Stoneman Douglas High. No wonder he was censored by a lot of other media-streaming websites. Not to mention, his team of conspiracy theorists also go around and "debunk" baseless claims that have been proven wrong before. Alex Jones, get a life.
Some Random Guy: Yo, did you not realize that Sandy Hook was just a bunch of actors and no one died?
Some Random Guy's Friend: Where the heck did you get that from?
Some Random Guy: Infowars. It provides the truth, and nothing but the truth. Also, the government controls our weather!
Some Random Guy's Friend: Look what this website turned you into, stop reading their crap!
by AngryDragon15 November 11, 2018
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