3 definitions by Angelica Perduta

GRS stands for Gender Reassignment Surgery. It is medical process whereby genitals are transmogrified into those of the opposite sex. This acronym is in common use in transgender community.
GRS is much cheaper abroad and I'm saving up for my GRS holiday in Thailand.
by Angelica Perduta April 29, 2014
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Cissie is a diminutive contraction of cisgender. It is used jokingly by transgender people as a flippant retort to those who would call them 'trannies'. The intention is to convey the message that being transgender is no more to be ashamed of than being cisgender.
Did you cissies really think that calling me a tranny was going to upset me?
by Angelica Perduta April 19, 2016
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Obsessive Compulsive Trolling Disorder.
A progressive mental disorder that compels the afflicted to use a covert cyber identity to malevolently and cowardly persecute online, to defame and harass people they know in real life.
Facilities like Youtube, and Facebook are infested with unidentifiable OCTD trolls. Often known as "cyber bullies" they deliberately provoke bait and cause emotional damage to the most vulnerable members of society.
by Angelica Perduta August 19, 2013
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