3 definitions by An Anon

n. a gif that incorporates segments of film featuring a celebrity or actress intermixed with pornographic film.

Basically a beautiful porn gif concept.
On 07/10/13(Wed)18:38 the number 5752069 post was of a Miley Cyrus fuxtaposition gif. a Selena Gomez fuxtaposition gif, a Lady Gaga fuxtaposition gif, and an Emma Watson fuxtaposition gif followed.

OP wasnt a faggot.
by An Anon July 11, 2013
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The drummer for the Beatles, which was the most influential band of all time. Everybody tries taking cheap shots at him because he didn't write too many songs during his tenure, and didn't play super-fast. Little do they know that he was the first Beatle to make a #1 hit in post-Beatle work. Truly underrated as a musician.
Eric Clapton once said he doesn't think any of us can play drums like Ringo Starr did in A Day in the Life.
by An Anon May 17, 2009
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