3 definitions by AlonsyGeronimo

The Math-ing version of yeet. Used in writing and evaluating function models, often remembered through song.
Laura: Y times E to R-T .

Anna: YERT!!!!
by AlonsyGeronimo July 10, 2020
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acronym standing for Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe

Often mistakenly referred to as T.E.R.F.s , under the false impression that Feminism would include Transphobia.
Those F.A.R.T.s are embarrassing themselves; Don't they know feminism is against gender discrimination?
by AlonsyGeronimo February 25, 2019
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A specific type of shitposting aimed at filling the void formed within a person by the feeling of existential dread.
My daily life is pretty unbearable, so I spend a lot of time online voidposting.

Voidposting memes are my favorite! I can laugh about my own emptiness and share it with others.
by AlonsyGeronimo October 19, 2018
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