18 definitions by Aldwardo

A migraine is basically a headache on steroids. Migraines are caused from swellings of veins in the brain. It's probably one of the worst feelings ever. It can range from a pain in one side of a head to all over. Imagine a hammer constantly being slammed into your head over and over and over. The constant pulsing of pain. It will disable you're daily routine.

You also become sensitive to light and sound and feel like you're gonna puke. Even the slightest light is irritating. The best thing to do is just sit in a dark quiet room and fall asleep. Don't take pills because you will just throw them up. Most of the time a good sleep will get rid of the pain.

Most people experience one migraine per lifetime. But obviously it varies per person.
1.) I used to have migraines all the time in my early teen years. I had to be hospitalized once. It sucked so much. Thank god I outgrew them.

2.) "I have a migraine, fuck off."

3.) Like I said earlier, it is probably the most painful thing ever to experience.
by Aldwardo November 22, 2006
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The most underrated thrash band of the 80's. Any true metalhead knows how much ass this band demolishes.

Still rocking faces off to this day. Long live Testament.
by Aldwardo July 30, 2006
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An excellent metal band out of Seattle, WA. It's pretty hard to give them a genre but honestly who cares? If anything they are power/thrash.

They have a very unique sound thanks to the vocalist, Warren Dane. He doesn't scream at the top of his lungs and can display a wide range of the vocal spectrum. Each album sounds uniquely different but still kicks ass at the same time. Combine the vocalist with Jeff Loomis seven string guitar to make a unique band. Unfortunately, Nevermore has had bad luck in the past with health problems in the past and present.
by Aldwardo November 2, 2006
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