7 definitions by Aitlan Favafa

Craptastic city in northern Illinois. Only slightly less godawful than Freeport (only because of its size). Rockford is home to a million boarded up victorian mansions doomed to rot. It's home to a buttload of broke-ass niggas angrily wanderin' the streets. It's home to a gaggle of cantankerous crackas wearing sleaveless shirts that say "Git R Done." It's home to not one but two cruddy wal marts, each featuring an assortment of side-show freak customers that must be seen to be believed. You always get a bizarre show when you visit Rockford, but it's not necessarily a show you want to see.
Rockford. It's like Freeport but bigger, and with a bigger cracka population. Sucks mightily.

MAN 1: Git R Done!

MAN 2: Nigga what?
by Aitlan Favafa April 22, 2005
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Town in northwest Illinois. Totally craptastic. Home to a whole bunch of broke african americans. Home to a bunch of dilapitated Victorian mansions. Home to a whole slew of boarded up houses and garbage littering everywhere. Home to a Days Inn hotel that, while actively in use, looks like an apocalyptic ruin or other vacant abandonement. Freeport is a dump.
The bus goes through freeport on the way to Chi-Town. Don't get off in Freeport. It's not worth the pain.
by Aitlan Favafa April 22, 2005
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Really bad or awful. Eating a bowl of rat poison could be considered netatai. From the cult classic film, "Pootie Tang"
"Cigarettes and greasy hamburgers are bad like netatai."
by Aitlan Favafa April 22, 2005
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A verbal thumbs up.

Another way of telling someone that everything is cool or fine. A way of expressing a calm sense of being okay with things. A placid sentiment of being cool.
BRUTHA 1: "Whoops. I didn't mean to spill my forty on your shirt! Oh dude, I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

BRUTHA 2: "Sah-dah-tay."

Say Sah-dah-tay and feel okay!
by Aitlan Favafa April 22, 2005
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A verbal thumbs up.

Another way of telling someone that everything is cool or fine. A way of expressing a calm sense of being okay with things. A placid sentiment of being cool.
BRUTHA 1: "Whoops. I didn't mean to spill my forty on your shirt! Oh dude, I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

BRUTHA 2: "Sah-dah-tay."

Say Sah-dah-tay and feel okay!
by Aitlan Favafa April 22, 2005
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A close friend.

A main damie would be your best friend.
MAN 1: "Are we still friends?"

MAN 2: "You my main damie!"
by Aitlan Favafa April 22, 2005
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Adjective used to describe a region inhabbitted primarily by white people. Often considered a redneck or prejudice region.
"We all white trash here in crackalacky Iowa."
by Aitlan Favafa April 22, 2005
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