4 definitions by Ahman Yasharahla

"YHWH/YHVH", called the Tetragrammaton (four letters), this is not The Most High's name. This is the incommunicable name spoken of by Solomon, saying that this name was ascribed unto stones (ancient artifacts) and stocks (ancient manuscripts) for the purpose to deceive the world (c.f, Wisdom of Solomon 14:21, see also Rev 12:9).

The name of the Most High is "Ahayah" and He commanded the children of Israel in Exodus 23:13 NOT to invoke (call on) the name of lesser deities. And He also spoke a future prophecy which is located in Hosea 2:16 saying, it shall be in that day...you shall CALL ME NO MORE BAALI.

The word Baali is No. 1180 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and its a symbolical name for יהוה (YHWH).

So with that small snippet of knowledge uncovering Satan's shame out of the way, now let's scrutinize the name of יהוה (YHWH) to reveal the true meaning behind the name.

In Hebrew, the prefix י (Y) means He.

The root word הוה (HWH) is No. 1943 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and has the meaning of “mischief, ruin.”

Another form of No. 1943 is No. 1942, ‘HWH’, which is translated “calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness.”

Put the two (Y + HWH) together and you get “He is mischief, ruin, calamity, perversion, and wickedness”. And don’t forget ‘noisome‘ – which means it stinks! Simply put, יהוה (YHWH) is The deity of Evil!

Y = He is
HWH = Mischief
YHWH aka The father of lies
YHWH/YHVH, is the got damn devil that the bible speaks of!
by Ahman Yasharahla February 11, 2022
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“Ahayah” is the divine name revealed to Moses by The Most High at the burning bush (see Exodus 3:14).

Ahayah (I am) = The Self-Existent
Ahshar (That) = Who
Ahayah (I shall be) = Shall Always Exist

or just simply Ahayah = The Eternal One ♾️

When you look at the Hebrew root word for "Ahayah", you get H1961 "hayah" which means...
Past ⬅️Was
Present ⬇️To exist/be
Future ➡️To come

Revelation 1:4
...Grace be unto you, and peace, from Him

Present⬇️ which is,
Past⬅️ and which was,

Future➡️ and which is to come...

Who IS and Who WAS and Who is COMING!
The Most High's self-declared name reveals His unchanging, eternal nature. He's always present, thus Him being the Ancient of Days. He existed before time and will always exist.
Kan ahch, all esteem to Ahayah (The Eternal One )!
by Ahman Yasharahla September 30, 2021
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The etymology of the name Esau/Ishawa:

Esau —The English transliteration of the Hebrew name עשו "Ishawa," which means "wasted away are they" in Hebrew. When he was born, his parents named him Ishawa/Esau because he was born without pigmentation or melanin. In layman's terms, The Most High wasted away the color from his flesh. Esau is the progenitor of the Edomites (the Caucasian race).

Esau/Ishawa (עשו) = Wasted away are they

From the verb עשש (ishash), to waste away
From the suffix ו (wa), they

Numbers 12:12 is another place the scribes altered the text in order to avoid an expression of disrespect regarding the Edomites and to conceal who they are in the earth. The original reads, "Let her not be as one dead, who proceeded from the womb of our mother, and half of our flesh be consumed."
Israelite: And behold, comes one that's dead, and that's word to Aaron.

Edomite: You freaking πi663®!

Israelite: Esau, you need to work on your slurs instead of using regurgitated empty insults. The word πi663® means black/dark and is in reference to my dark-melanated skin. You know, like when Simeon, the prophet, was called πi663® in the book of Acts.
by Ahman Yasharahla March 2, 2023
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"Yahawah" (or any other variation of יהוה ) is not The Most High's name. This is the incommunicable name spoken of by Solomon saying that this name was ascribed unto stones (ancient artifacts) and stocks (ancient manuscripts) for the purpose to deceive the world (c.f, Wisdom of Solomon 14:21, see also Rev 12:9).

The name of the Most High is "Ahayah" and He commanded the children of Israel in Exodus 23:13 NOT to invoke (call on) the name of lesser deities. And He also spoke a future prophecy which is located in Hosea 2:16 saying, it shall be in that day...you shall CALL ME NO MORE BAALI.

The word Baali is No. 1180 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and its a symbolical name for יהוה (Yahawah).

So with that small snippet of knowledge uncovering Satan's shame out of the way, now let's scrutinize the name of Yahawah (יהוה ) to reveal the true meaning behind the name.

In Hebrew, the prefix י (Ya) means He.

The root word הוה (hawah) is No. 1943 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and has the meaning of “mischief, ruin.”

Another form of No. 1943 is No. 1942, ‘hawah’, which is translated “calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness.”

Put the two (Ya + hawah) together and you get “He is mischief, ruin, calamity, perversion, and wickedness”. And don’t forget ‘noisome‘ – which means it stinks! Simply put, יהוה (Yahawah) is The deity of Evil!

Ya = He is
Hawah = Mischief
Yahawah aka The father of lies
Yahawah, is the got damn devil that the bible speaks of!
by Ahman Yasharahla February 11, 2022
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