14 definitions by Aesop

the area tween your genitals and pooper. The taint
My maple bar is like an itchy little bitch right now.
by Aesop November 7, 2003
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Now that she's 18, I guess Jenna's federally protected wetlands are open for public drilling.
by Aesop May 1, 2004
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The best person I've ever met, I love him and cherish him with my whole life and would die for him <3
Oocha Cooch: "Do you follow edthemf on TIKTOK?"
Peaches: "Yes."
by Aesop June 5, 2021
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To gag someone with your finger while banging their ass, thus causing them to tighten up.
I wolf gagged my parole officer last night, he's my bitch!
by Aesop November 4, 2003
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That lumberjill over there looks like John fucking Goodman
by Aesop December 2, 2003
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