5 definitions by Aedwynn

Looking for sex partners. Usually used to refer to a male seeking female company. But it could possibly be used to refer to a lesbian seeking sex partners or perhaps to a gay man seeking a cross-dressing or otherwise effeminate male partner.

Accusing someone of "Chasing Skirts" can imply that the accused person is usually unsuccessful in his\her\other's endeavours.
"Did you see Brad? Man, does that guy ever do anything *besides* chasing skirts?"
by Aedwynn November 3, 2005
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A predatory, perpetually single male who spends every minute of every day chasing skirt. This behavior may verge from the passive and cute to the idiotic and destructive.
"Dude, give it a rest, you're such a Manslut..."
by Aedwynn November 3, 2005
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One who pretends to be slightly psychotic for some percieved advantage from others.

Symptoms of "Fake Flakeyness" include buying mugs or signs to hang in their place of work with "You don't have to be mad here, but it helps" written on them, saying such things as "I'm mad me", "I'm gonna kill everyone someday", pretending to develop an interest in Hentai or bad slasher movies and also pretending to find random and sometimes controversial subjects hilariously funny. Such as cancer.

This behaviour is highly irritating to people who know the person, as they know that he\she is not actually in any way mentally ill.

This behaviour is also irritating to people who do not know the person, as they will at the very least be wary of such a person.
"Did you hear? Darius threatened to kill everyone again."

"Man, he is such a fake flakey, no wonder people tend to avoid him."

Many wannabe Goths and Emo kids tend towards Fake Flakey behaviour.
by Aedwynn November 3, 2005
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Writings of doubtful authorship or authenticity; Spurious, false, mystical, forbidden or heretical writings.
"This story about a UFO sighting in the newspaper seems a bit apocryphal..."
by Aedwynn November 1, 2005
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A derogatory term for a tabletop RPG that is far too easy and therefore poses no challenge to its players, usually a 'Monty Haul' game quickly becomes boring once it's players become the most powerful things in the game world.
Named for the host of "the Price is Right" a TV quiz show.
"This adventure is a bit of a Monty Haul, I cant remember the last time I was even wounded."
by Aedwynn July 12, 2005
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