14 definitions by AdinbutimnotAdinimQuinn

When you're playing Eat the Noob!!! by Xerithus, and get crushed by the noob's foot
me: you got stoomped lol
by AdinbutimnotAdinimQuinn August 5, 2023
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1: We use periods everytime.
2: Do I need to say it
1: oh god-
by AdinbutimnotAdinimQuinn November 5, 2023
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When your food hasn't digested for so long that it starts to rot inside your stomach
me: oh god i think that gourmet i just ate is about to grubble
by AdinbutimnotAdinimQuinn August 2, 2023
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The place that you get sent to when you do some weird shit in classic Roblox
i played RetroBlox one day, and some day after, i went to Variconcordia
by AdinbutimnotAdinimQuinn June 26, 2023
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When a cuntboy has a period
ugh, fuck, still having those beriod cramps from yesterday.
by AdinbutimnotAdinimQuinn September 29, 2023
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To become horny
One day I saw an image of a really thicc Sef on Deviantart. I got immediately activated.
by AdinbutimnotAdinimQuinn September 18, 2023
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The string of text that Quinn makes when he headbangs his keyboard
You: Hi guys!
Quinn: bn mhjbmn hhnbgjm bghjnv bghnv j
by AdinbutimnotAdinimQuinn June 15, 2023
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