78 definitions by ALyssa

what a teacher puts on a paper you did crappy on
you did really bad, check minus for you
by ALyssa January 23, 2004
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white chicks who only fuck black guys
dayum, once you go black, you never go back seemed to be true for Alicia... the nightrider of all time
by ALyssa April 7, 2005
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An expression to indicate that you will do something, such as "Here I go!" or "Jeronimo!"
You made me mad! *jumps* SHOOBEE!!!
by ALyssa January 24, 2004
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When a chick has extreme amount of skin covering her clit
by ALyssa March 15, 2005
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any person with or having a big, huge, ENORMOUS nose.
Daniel Judd;Chris Rule(may have spelt that name wrong!)
by ALyssa March 7, 2004
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the act genital to genital interaction without intercourse.
Penis to Ass while sleeping or laying in bed.
by ALyssa January 1, 2004
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