12 definitions by ACTethx

Every Singaporeans' favourite place to shop is at NTUC: The widely-acclaimed National Toilet Urination Center, otherwise known as your local supermarket, defended by the militia of Karens, prepared to coup the store in the event that the prices of Hanoi cabbages be jacked up to $2.99 again, from the current $2.37. (The prices went down after the Treaty of Counter Two, which was the resulting compromise to put a ceasefire to the 53421st NTUC-Karen battle, fought from the eve of Chinese New Year to just after midnight the day after.)
As you attempt to navigate the assimilated colony of the NTUC supermarket, get ready to hold up your palm, rejecting the advances of the aunty who attempts to approach you with samples of new flavours for some Swiss milk no one has heard of. Remember throughout your journey, that for every $30 spent, you get one coupon. Accumulating enough coupons allow you to redeem a fake, knockoff, low-quality frying pan, which can efficiently fry your financial savings.

At the end of your shopping nightmare, get ready to overcome the God-forsaken dilemma of choosing between the self-checkout counter-where you are more than likely to have your counter shut down in the middle of packaging your items, only to be saved by the almighty card in the hands of an NTUC staff-or the cashier counter, where you will be asked if you have a Senior Citizens card (for the elderly, 65 years of age and above) even if you are obviously a teenager (Insult much?)

It is not all fun and games yet, as you will have to treacherously navigate yourself around the old uncle standing in front of the supermarket with the latest issue of Lianhe Zaobao (a local Chinese newspaper).

As you find yourself relieved at the end of such a frightful day, you find yourself having instinctively, yet very precariously tip-toed to avoid all the dirt on the floor. Thank God it is over. You look back at the sign that says, 'NTUC Fairprice,' and you hear yourself muttering, 'Well played. Well played.'
by ACTethx December 15, 2020
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That teacher who always walks around with a coffee cup-like water bottle in her hand even during lesson time.
What’s the name of our Literature teacher?”
“The ‘cher with the fake coffee cup!”
by ACTethx February 13, 2020
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The show in class that the English teacher makes less about her students’ grades falling, and more about her own experiences about herself falling. Literally.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Mrs Johnson show!”
*Mrs Johnson enters carrying a stack of exam papers, tripping herself along the way.*
by ACTethx September 29, 2020
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The show in class that the English teacher makes less about her students’ grades falling, and more about her experiences about herself falling. Literally.
Ladies and gentlemen, The Mrs Johnson Show! Hosted and directed by Mrs Johnson!”
by ACTethx September 26, 2020
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Someone who doesn’t heed safety protocols in place by the World Health Organisation to battle COVID-19.
Our teacher was called off by our Pro-COVID teacher for wearing a mask at work just after coming back from being sick. What a Covidiot!
by ACTethx March 30, 2020
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