13 definitions by A yank

Officer 1: What is all this

Officer 2: A traffic stop from hell
Officer 2: A Prowler Unit pulls this guys over, finds a trunk fulled with hardware like you wouldn’t believe.
Officer 2: They lose it, bullets start flying and they snatch up the guns from one of the cops. Hit the high ground and make their stand.

Officer 1: And the officer?

Officer 2: Up there, still alive we think but who knows for how long. We’ll keep him busy if you can find a way up there.
by A yank January 29, 2022
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A loose collection of left-wing militants that operate in cells in most major cities across the US. They don’t share a common political ideology but are largely made up of anarchists, socialists and communists with their main goal being to overthrow the United States government and fight (both through social means and with violence) what they perceive as fascism and white supremacy. Antifa gets their Origins in 1920s Germany after the horror of WW1 but died out because of the Nazis took control and they didn’t like antifa. During World War 2 they morphed with other resistance groups and the name took on a different meaning for that time. Fast forward to the 1980s and here is where the ground work was laid for the modern group we see today. Were we start getting the antifa we know and love is in 2007 when Rose City Antifa was formed. Since 2007 Antifa has spread across the world (mostly in the west) and has now multiple cells operating in the country and world. Antifa has been accused of committing multiple violent crimes and even murders with some of those suspicions being true and so of those being dead wrong. The most horrific crime that antifa has committed is probably the murder of Aaron “Jay” Danielson (yes people go by their middle names) by Michael Reinoehl. If you want a detailed review then I recommend you look it up because this definition is getting way to long. I hope I have made a fair definition that actually makes up for all the inaccurate definitions on Antifa
Antifa is one of many left wing and right wing groups that have been a thorn in the side of the government and law abiding people.
by A yank April 25, 2021
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The abbreviation for Royal Irish constabulary and was the police force for all of Ireland from 1822 to 1922. It was disbanded after the Irish war for independence as (the name suggests) the Irish gained independence. It was split into the RUC that served Northern Ireland during the troubles and Garda (not going to try to write their full name) which still is serving the communities of the ROI
The RIC was overwhelmed by IRA attacks so they called in the military to help.
by A yank April 25, 2021
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The Growler is the USMC’s answer to what would serve as the branch’s primary Jeep and what could fit onto a Osprey. The Growler was designed all the way back in 1999 but first entered service in 2009. Only the Marine Crops has ever operated the vehicle. The Growler also makes an appearance in Battlefield 4 and a number of other video games.
My friend Ronald was pinned by multiple Chinese soldiers till me and Hank rode up in are Growler and saved the day. I think he owes me a beer
by A yank January 30, 2022
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Marine: This is Oscar Mike over

Random dude: who’s Oscar and Mike
by A yank May 26, 2021
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